Thursday, December 12, 2013

Reality TV: TLC "Four Weddings"

Dave and Jenny won first place (episode: and the grilled cheese)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ken Rockwell is my "brother in Christ"

So, I have been reading Ken Rockwell's website almost every day for years.

I guess I am a "hardcore fanboy".
He is the most-read photographic author, with over 5 million people reading his website every month.

Yesterday (Oct 28) his website entry mentioned, "The Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and John 3:16".


So, I sent him an email today.
I said that I was so happy to hear him mention "Jesus Christ" on his website.
I also mentioned that I talked about him (Ken Rockwell) in my online video devotional for Oct 28.


He sent me an email reply, in which he shared more about his faith in Christ...


Hi Joe,

Hee hee, obviously I'm a Christian - and already taking flack for it.

I'm a little confused by your sermon; I don't think I'm great and certainly never claim to be. I'm just a guy who likes to take pictures and likes to share whatever little I can learn about it to help others.

I try to follow Jesus' example: he never went around boasting about anything, and people really had to work hard to get him to say anything about his background. He was just a regular guy; that's the point. I like to update the Christmas story to modern times, where the whole point is that he was born to regular poor people. People today associate a manger with Christ, they don't realize that back in the day, a manger was akin to letting the baby sleep in dog bowl.

