Tuesday, June 24, 2008


a bunch of our church guys went paintballing last weekend. the bald guy is peter chung. he has a puffy red mark on his head. that's because i shot him there :>

Thursday, June 19, 2008

korean pastors' conference

suhee/gideon/i just came back from a conference hosted by pastor danny han's church & held at mountain creek, nj. the purpose was to reconcile the relationship between 1st-generation & 2nd-generation korean pastors. everything went well. one of the highlights was playing foot-volleyball (korean-style). the 1st-generation pastors beat us 2 games to 1. & it was very competitive.

the senior pastor of my parent's church (rev. na) was in my small group. it was awesome to hear his stories & to get to know him better. like many other older-korean pastors, he lived a life of great sacrifice. yet he maintained a great sense of humor.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

gideon's first birthday

today is gideon's first birthday. on saturday we had a lunch-party w/family & family-friends. today we had a lunch-party w/our pastoral staff. all day i've been feeling an overwhelming sense of God's blessing in our lives.

Monday, June 9, 2008

danny oertli

danny oertli is a young songwriter & worship leader. he will be one of the main worship leaders at the jama conference this summer. last weekend he led a praise night for some korean churches here & he was humble enough let some of our local korean musicians play as his worship team. he is a really cool & friendly guy. after the worship, a jr. high student asked to play his guitar & he let everyone there play his guitar. (his custom made james olson guitar... crazy).

he shared the story behind his book & his song titled, "mommy paints the sky". he married his high school sweetheart who later developed cancer & then died of a heart attack, leaving him a single father of a 4 year-old girl & 1 year-old boy. i pasted his own words below...

"Gracie, Jack and I were driving down the road in my really fast Honda minivan. As we pulled into a parking space at Wal-Mart an incredible sunset began to form over the mountains. The car's interior was bathed in amber light and deep strokes of yellow criss-crossed the sky, as if drawn by an unseen hand.

'Daddy,' came Gracie's little voice from the back seat, 'Did God let mommy paint the sky tonight?'