Wednesday, December 19, 2007

soup kitchen

yesterday i went to serve at a soup kitchen in harlem. it was in the basement of a church, & i think we fed about 200 people. about 15 members from our church (mostly km) went to prepare & serve the food. & we gave out small bags full of Christmas presents. our km worship pastor led a really good time of worship. he plays some really impressive jazz-style piano. even though his english is not perfect, he was really good at getting different people to come up & sing on the mic. i got to share a short sermon before the meal. i think it's always a good experience to serve people in that setting. always eye-opening. & i have to admit that seeing will smith's movie, "pursuit of happyness", made me look at homeless people in a different light.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

my nephew's first birthday

last weekend we celebrated jack's first birthday (dohl). a few weeks b/f the party, my sister's church had a guest speaker who criticized people for spending too much money on their children's birthday parties. funny timing.

at the party, many of the guys were wearing orange ties. i felt left out of this recent trend.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

december birthdays

so many friends & relatives have december birthdays. last week we had one dinner for 4 different birthdays. suhee's birthday is dec 9.

Monday, December 3, 2007

first snowfall

yesterday we had our first snowfall. it was a beautiful morning to wake up to.