Wednesday, August 19, 2009

5-year anniversary

suhee & i were married 5 years ago on august 14. in some ways it feels like yesterday. we celebrated by taking a trip down to cape may.

Friday, August 14, 2009

getting older

yesterday i called my car insurance to add roadside assistance. the agent was confused to see that liberty mutual owed me $80.00. she asked me if it was my birthday recently. we then realized that when i turned 36 a few months ago, my rate went down. i guess i'm now in the old-man age bracket. soon i'll be getting discounts at the diner.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

attn: jonathan

hey jonathan. i wanted to show you that i'm getting into wide-angle photography. i love how you can change the perspective & get funky shots. last week i got the sigma 10-20/3.5. in the past my philosophy was that i wasn't going to get any dx lenses (because i thought fx bodies would be affordable in ~5 years). but then i realized that i'll probably never get an fx body, & an fx wide-angle-zoom costs a small fortune.

i saw an article in which convinced me that dx is here to stay. in the past people argued that 35mm film would be replaced by medium format film. but people appreciated the smaller size & cost of 35mm, which obviously kept it alive. & the quality was good enough. i think the same thing will happen w/dx. it's smaller/lighter/cheaper than fx & the quality is good enough.

i always respected the golfers who used old/cheap equipment, but played really well. as opposed to the guys who had the best equipment but got no game, "all show and no go". i envision myself growing into an old man w/old & outdated photo equipment, but still getting decent shots.